Wuzbug: A Sketch in Ballpoint pen by jmsw on sketchbook paper. Of a work by Gilbert Stuart, 1755-1828. of George Washington. I’m going to study one of his portraits tomorrow.
Jocarlo: Portrait
Wuzbug: Edward Munch. 1863-1944. Norwegian Painter and Graphic Artist. Gouache brush portrait sketch by jmsw on sketch book card.
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing (Konstantin Severinov)
Jocarlo: Portrait
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
Jocarlo: Portrait
Wuzbug: Ballpoint pen Scribble drawing by jmsw on sketch book paper.
Jocarlo: Portrait
Wuzbug: “Running.” Ballpoint pen only scribble drawing by jmsw on Sketch Book paper. Just for fun.
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
suzy_yes: Maria Zaikina, Conversation about life, a collection of interviews with biologists, portrait drawing
Jocarlo: Portrait
andrzejslupsk: woman 164
Wuzbug: Brush only gouache Watercolour portrait sketch by jmsw on 200gsm smooth card.
Wuzbug: Diluted ink , Brush sketch portrait of Jonny Cash. By jmsw on 300gsm smooth card.
Jocarlo: Portrait