Karen bullock photography: Juvenile song thrush
Karen bullock photography: Sleepy Barn owl
Karen bullock photography: "opps !!! I can never quiet get this french skipping right,,
Karen bullock photography: Biscuit, the red fox
Karen bullock photography: Harvest Mouse
Claire Heath :): The Diver
Claire Heath :): Hydration
Claire Heath :): Who's ball?
Claire Heath :): Misty Vista
Claire Heath :): Long & Winding Road
Claire Heath :): Cassowary in the bush
Claire Heath :): I see no ship!
Claire Heath :): Balloon Flight
Claire Heath :): The flying Kangaroo
Claire Heath :): Admiring the view
michaelkirkman726: white sands, NM
Claire Heath :): ANZAC DAY - Dawn Service
michaelkirkman726: I love springtime.....shorts, swings, sun, green grass...
michaelkirkman726: ...the little ups and downs
michaelkirkman726: over the shoulder duck beholder
michaelkirkman726: distant white sands
Claire Heath :): Curled Python