Paul Hanley Photos: A UK field mouse hides and pops it's head out of a purple flower
Paul Hanley Photos: A UK field mouse perches on a wooden twig
Paul Hanley Photos: 2 UK field mice perch on a wooden branch and cuddle together
Paul Hanley Photos: 3 UK field mice sit on top of an Agapanthus flower head
Paul Hanley Photos: A UK field mouse clings on to the green stem of a flower
ROL/Photos: Très peureuse..!
ROL/Photos: Mignone, non..?
ROL/Photos: Coucou..!
ROL/Photos: J'ai peur de vous..! I'm scared of you..!
ROL/Photos: Sans Peur et sans Reproche, à regarder en grand svp, Without Fear and without Reproach, to look at in great please,
ROL/Photos: Sortilège ou hasard, pour moi , Spell or chance, for me it's an enigma ..!c'est une énigme..!
ROL/Photos: la grande PEUR.....vous souhaite une agréable fin de semaine, the great FEAR..... wishes you a pleasant weekend
Invisible1955: My daughter offers kitten milk to an orphaned baby mouse
Invisible1955: My daughter offers kitten milk to an orphaned baby mouse
ROL/Photos: Tentation, plus forte que la peur
ROL/Photos: My home
ROL/Photos: Oh il y encore des graines la haut
ROL/Photos: Contrôle de son domaine, control of his domain,
ROL/Photos: In my home
Lornus: PEN43736m
Lornus: PEN03527k