dorofoto: Habits of seeing
dorofoto: Upside down
RobAnt57: Tutto in tinta....
dorofoto: If you scrutinize reality closely enough, if in some way you really, really get to it, it becomes fantastic, Diane Arbus says
dorofoto: Ansel Adams says, you don’t make a photograph just with a camera. You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved
dorofoto: Emmet Gowin says, I was going round the world searching for an interesting place, when I realized that the place I was in was already interesting
dorofoto: This is your life, not a rehearsal, Bill Murray says
philou.61: Klavierspieler / Pianoman
encore91: Reynisfjara Icelandic Basalt
philou.61: Betongrün / Concrete green
philou.61: Blaues Wasser / Blue water
RobAnt57: Il bambino guarda l'aquilone
dorofoto: I have always been amazed at the way an ordinary observer lends so much more credence and attaches so much more importance to waking events than to those occurring in dreams, Andre Breton says
RobAnt57: Murales 3
RobAnt57: Suonatore di sax (B&W)
dorofoto: Wo ist der Mensch
philou.61: Stairway to heaven
philou.61: 44a 44b
dorofoto: Middle of the road
philou.61: Holzschatten / Wooden shadow II
philou.61: Wandbegrünung / Green area wall
philou.61: Betontreppe und Frau / Stairway and woman
RobAnt57: Disegno anonimo
dorofoto: Kultiviere Kino im Kopf
RobAnt57: Ombra sul muro
dorofoto: Aesthetic double standards
RobAnt57: Moschea - Roma
RobAnt57: Duomo di Caserta vecchia
RobAnt57: Certosa di Padula - SA