colorwheels: Tip#127: CIE Luv – color space used by digital pros, now in Photoshop
colorwheels: Tip#126: Mix and match color sliders in MagicPicker
colorwheels: Tip#124: Vivid, precisely graded hues with L*c*h color space of MagicPicker
colorwheels: Tip#123: Mix colors with eyedropper in Photoshop
colorwheels: Tip#122: Persistent Color Wheel HUD popup with MagicPicker 9
colorwheels: Tip#121: LDT Cube – quick color wheel picker based on color perception
colorwheels: Tip#120: Two arrow buttons under MagicPicker color wheel activate rulers and numeric inputs - for quick color accuracy and 🎯 snaps.
colorwheels: Tip#119: See HUGE preview of current eyedropper color in Photoshop
colorwheels: Tip#118: Color Wheel modes in MagicPicker 9
colorwheels: Tip#117: Quickly pick colors on foreground/background gradient slider with MagicPicker
colorwheels: Tip#115: Custom Images for Photoshop Brush/Tool Presets in MagicSquire
colorwheels: Tip#114: Mix several colors separately in Photoshop MixColors panel
colorwheels: Tip#113: Smart targeting of image areas with specific colors - MagicTints
colorwheels: Tip#112: Adjust LUT export precision in MagicTints
colorwheels: Tip#111: Hide/Show new Photoshop Brush Controls in MagicSquire
colorwheels: Tip#110: Using MagicPicker panel Transparent and Crystal HUD modes in Photoshop
colorwheels: MagicPicker tip #109: Combine 10 new Color Spaces/Sliders
colorwheels: Black Friday at Photoshop Panels
colorwheels: MagicPicker 8 now has Lab, L*c*h, HSL, Temperature etc. Sliders, TRANSPARENT HUD
colorwheels: Tip#108: Have a set of Photoshop Brush parameters under your fingertips with MagicSquire
colorwheels: Tip#107: Adjust MagicSquire panel the way you want
colorwheels: MagicSquire 5.0 now has Supercool Mini Brush Controls, Mass-editing presets in Photoshop
colorwheels: Match photos to colors in Photoshop: MagicTints 2.4
colorwheels: MixColors 4.0 for Photoshop - physically accurate color mixing panel, palette extractor and pro swatch manager
colorwheels: Tip#106: Bring multiple objects to same palette with MagicTints
colorwheels: Tip#105: Color wheel and brush picking HUDs
colorwheels: Tip#104: Match elements from different photos 🍭 in one click
colorwheels: Quickly assign colors to an image from palette or another image
colorwheels: Matching colors with new MagicTints Photoshop panel/Standalone app
anshprofreelancer: Photo Manipulation in Photoshop