Freedom Toast: nationalgeographic_116740
Freedom Toast: Getting some Vitamin D
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Hands off Korea! Public meeting London, April 2013
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Hands off Korea! Public meeting, London, April 2013
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Hugo Chavez memorial meeting, London 8 March 20130
Benoit Cappronnier: Young pioneers at Songdowon schoolchildren's camp, North Korea
Benoit Cappronnier: Young pioneers paying their tribute to the statues of the dear leaders
Benoit Cappronnier: Young pioneers in Pyongyang, North Korea
Benoit Cappronnier: Fun with young pioneers at Kaeson Youth Park, Pyongyang, North Korea
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Campaigning against the cuts in Manchester, 23 Feb 2013
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Campaigning against the cuts in Manchester, 23 Feb 2013
Communist Party of Great Britain(Marxist-Leninist): Campaigning against the cuts in Manchester, 23 Feb 2013
Paul Ewing: "Back in the USSR!"
TorpedoAhoi: F019_fneg009.jpg
Freedom Toast: Young Pioneers are in line to enter Lenin Mausoleum
Freedom Toast: If you want to be like me - practice
Freedom Toast: Future Pioneers
Ultima Thule: Showtime
Ultima Thule: Pioneer girl
tryzub724: Krim Ukraine IMG_4551
tryzub724: Krim Ukraine IMG_4549
Jens Toftegaard: Bharati pioneer
Jens Toftegaard: Cleaning Pushkin