Richard Forensky: Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, Malaysia (2016)
tarafarah: Patrik preening.
COLOUR - LUME: Kiwi and Monster
COLOUR - LUME: Sprite And His Bath
Richard Forensky: Colorful parrot in Queensland, Australia
tarafarah: In the portrait Valo.
tarafarah: Meri exploring what I brought from outside.
tarafarah: Utu having a rest.
tarafarah: "A hug is always the right size" - Winnie the Pooh
VozdoBerço: Mocho-galego (Athene noctua)
VozdoBerço: Galinha-d'água (Gallinula chloropus)
tarafarah: Lumi & Valo, brothers and inseparable friends
VozdoBerço: Bútio-vespeiro (Pernis apivorus)
VozdoBerço: Gaivota-parda (Larus canus)
tarafarah: Peach faced lovebird
tarafarah: Peach faced lovebird
tarafarah: Luna
VozdoBerço: Carriça (Troglodytes troglodytes)
iLLwiL35: My newest family members.
tarafarah: When it's the time for a nap. :)
tarafarah: Afternoon rest again :)
VozdoBerço: Cuco-canoro (Cuculus canorus)
tarafarah: Among the flowers
VozdoBerço: Tecelão-de-cabeça-preta (Ploceus melanocephalus)
VozdoBerço: Cegonha-branca (Ciconia ciconia)
VozdoBerço: Andorinha-do-mar-anã (Sternula albifrons)
VozdoBerço: Pernilongo (Himantopus himantopus)
VozdoBerço: Guarda-rios (Alcedo atthis)
VozdoBerço: Pilrito-das-praias (Calidris alba)