vassilykritis: Hydrochoe-12
vassilykritis: Blender free style render and cell fracture test.
Daphnesalbums: three seconds through the pinhole blender at the promenade
Daphnesalbums: mini blender 120 no tripod
Daphnesalbums: Blender 120 at work
Daphnesalbums: Aladin, old yafo
Daphnesalbums: slightly more recognisable self portrait in the 120 blender
Daphnesalbums: Tel Aviv new Harbor in the blender
Wuniatu: Taller de arte Collage (La vanitat del poeta)
DRCPhoto: Deckers Creek (Toned Cyanotype)
New Paltz, NY: Railroad Crossing (Defunct Train Line)
New Paltz, NY: Millen's Junkyard (Part II)
New Paltz, NY: Railroad Tracks