rozoneill: Silver Falls from a muddy viewpoint I scrambled up to
La Bikina: Rosa moschata
fidelpegu: _W4A7754
fidelpegu: _W4A4307-2
fidelpegu: _W4A4806-2
castling2013: Crane fly
Bernard Spragg: Hypholoma fasciculare,
rozoneill: No more sunny weather for at least the next 5 minutes
Sam.24: Mühlwasser
Sam.24: Goldammer auf Apfelbaum
Sam.24: Mäusebussard
Sam.24: Buntspecht
Sam.24: Turmfalke
Sam.24: Heidekrautspanner auf Zypressenwolfsmilch
amalthus: 2023308-LILIUM IN BLACK
rozoneill: The river flows in leaps and bounds
fbonfirraro: The pier
klaudia_2018: ___A745753-ARW
georgehart64: Robin Redbreast
Bernard Spragg: Coprinellus disseminatus.(Fairy Bonnets)
Bernard Spragg: Hawaiian green turtle
Juan Antonio Pulido Angel: Mochuelo Europeo
amalthus: 2023122-BLOOMING PINK ROSES 2302
Bernard Spragg: Amanita muscaria,
kundun59: 2023212-DESERT FLORA-LANDSCAPE
fbonfirraro: Reflection
rozoneill: You can see the leaf buds here in this shot
klaudia_2018: Un aguilucho y una garza real
Bernard Spragg: Hericium coralloides.
georgehart64: Firecrest