byb64: Baignoire-sabot, Agrigente, IIe-Ier siècle avant JC, musée archéologique régional Antonino Salinas, Palerme, Sicile, Italie.
byb64: Amphore de production siciliote à figures rouges, IVe siècle avant JC, musée archéologique régional Antonino Salinas, Palerme, Sicile, Italie.
byb64: Amphore de production siciliote à figures rouges, IVe siècle avant JC, musée archéologique régional Antonino Salinas, Palerme, Sicile, Italie.
greentool2002: Roman mosaics in the Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: The Colchester Vase.
greentool2002: Detail from Roman mosaic, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: Roman mosaic detail, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: Horses detail - Roman mosaic, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: Roman lamps, London Mithraeum
greentool2002: Roman Brooches found during the excavations of London Mithraeum - Temple of Mithras
byb64: Catacombes de Kom El Shoqafa, Ier-IVe siècles, Alexandrie Égypte.
greentool2002: Roman mosaic, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: The Capitol, Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Roman mosaic, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: British Museum, London.
greentool2002: The Capitol, Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Roman mosaics in the Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
greentool2002: The Ruins of Carthage, Tunisia.
tedesco57: Pont du Gard
tedesco57: Roman coins
greentool2002: Roman Theatre Complex, Fiesole, near Florence.
greentool2002: Mosaic detail, Bardo National Museum, Tunis.
tedesco57: Amphitheatre at Xanthos, destroyed by earthquakes and sieges
greentool2002: Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Remains of the Arch of Septimus Severus, Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Capitol pillars, Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Oudhna (Uthina) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: The Capitol, Dougga (Thugga) Roman City, Tunisia.
greentool2002: Theatre pillars, Dougga (Thugga) Roman city, Tunisia.
byb64: Maison du Ménandre, IIIe siècle avant JC,-Ier siècle après JC, région I, Pompéi, Campanie, Italie.