juttaarens48: kleine Spinnenragwurz
jlcummins: daffodil
juttaarens48: Rapsblüte
nolehace: Cymbidium Fan Freak peloric hybrid orchid
juttaarens48: Schlüsselblume
juttaarens48: Milchstern
juttaarens48: Adonisröschen
nolehace: 2024 pacific orchid exposition; Paphiopedilum Erna Kaufman hybrid orchid by rod mcclellan
juttaarens48: Buschwindröschen
jlcummins: Narrowleaf goldenweed, Nestotus stenophyllus
ab.130722jvkz: Globularia bisnagarica
juttaarens48: Küchenschelle
nolehace: Rhynchostele cordata ('Pacifica' x 'Leopard' AM) species orchid
ab.130722jvkz: Epimedium alpinum
juttaarens48: Magnolien
nolehace: my annual xmas day tradition is a long long photo-op walk: 2020 thwarted by covid lockdown, cold, & rain; Cymbidium Moira 'Del Norte' hybrid orchid in the garden 12-20*
nolehace: Pleione formosana 'Blush of Dawn' species orchid (explore: high was 394 on 4-20-08)
ab.130722jvkz: Hepatica nobilis (White flower)
ab.130722jvkz: Hepatica nobilis
nolehace: Bulbophyllum ambrosia species orchid
nolehace: Guzmania wittmickii flower 2-24
juttaarens48: Prunus cerasifera
ab.130722jvkz: Erythronium dens-canis
Luiz Filipe Varella: Edmundoa lindenii
nolehace: Dietes grandiflora
nolehace: Laelia superbiens species orchid
SeppoU [Read 'About' for info!]: Colors lost already in the camera [L1030582}
nolehace: Rhododendron Ōmurasaki Hybrid Strain Cultivar (Hirado Group.) ‘Akebono’ 2-07
nolehace: Miltonia clowesii 'Diego' species orchid