Eloy 1956: Callejeando por Cuenca II
Eloy 1956: Rascacielos de Cuenca
lhommephoto: Mon chat sur le lit
Eloy 1956: Tríadas
Eloy 1956: Pedaleando por Cuenca
Eloy 1956: Solos tú y yo
Marcos Jerlich: [ Green - HBM ]
lhommephoto: Mon chat
Marcos Jerlich: [ The stone jungle ]
FloBue: Antenna
FloBue: Empire State Building
FloBue: _8113351-1
FloBue: 1 Vanderbuilt
FloBue: slim tower
lhommephoto: Un petit tour sur Louviers
FloBue: New York by night
FloBue: Rockefeller Center
FloBue: Rockefeller Center
FloBue: skyscaper in the night
FloBue: the city that never sleeps
FloBue: Brooklyn Bridge
FloBue: Manhattan Bridge
FloBue: The Vessel
FloBue: downtown Manhattan
FloBue: Ellis Island
FloBue: _8053125
FloBue: St. Thomas
FloBue: St. Patrick
FloBue: downtown Manhattan