josh83680: Go North West Wright Eclipse Gemini 3 Volvo B5LH 3039 BW65 DCV
Gobbiner: First Greater Manchester, Oldham 39245 BL65 YZE at Tyldesley Guided Busway stop with an inbound V2 'Vantage' service from Atherton for the City Centre and MRI.
Gobbiner: First Greater Manchester, Oldham 39251 BW65 DCE leaves the Guided Busway at Tyldesley with an outbound V2 'Vantage' service for Atherton.
Gobbiner: First Greater Manchester, Oldham 39241 BL65 YZH at Tyldesley Guided Busway stop with an outbound V1 'Vantage' service for Leigh.
Gobbiner: First Greater Manchester, Oldham 39261 BT66 MRX at Tyldesley Guided Busway stop with an inbound V1 'Vantage' service for the City Centre and MRI.
Mike McNiven: First BW65DCV
Mike McNiven: First BW65DBY
Alan Sansbury: First Manchester 39245 BL65YZE
Mike McNiven: First BL65OYZ
Mike McNiven: First BL65OXV
Mike McNiven: First BW65DCO
Mike McNiven: First BD12TDU
Mike McNiven: First BW65DCE
Mike McNiven: First BL65OXT
Mike McNiven: First BL65YZE
Mike McNiven: First BW65DCU
Gobbiner: First Manchester 39240 BL65YZG at Tyldesley Guided Busway stop with an inbound V1 'Vantage' service for the City Centre and MRI.
Gobbiner: First Manchester 39250 BW65DBX working Atherton to Tyldesley V2 shuttles.
Mike McNiven: First BL65YZJ
Mike McNiven: First BT66MRY
Mike McNiven: First BL65YZG
dwb transport photos: First Volvo B6LH 39248 BL65YZK - Manchester
dwb transport photos: First Volvo B5LH 39239 BL65OXU - Manchester
Mike McNiven: First BW65DCX
Jimmi's Transport Photos: First Manchester: 39254 / BW65DCV
Buses2012: First Manchester 39251 (BL65DCE)
Buses2012: First Manchester 39240 (BL65YZG)
Rossendalian2013: First Manchester 39259 (BT66MRV) 21102022
Mike McNiven: First BD12TCJ
dwb transport photos: First Volvo B5LH 39246 BL65YZJ - Manchester