Ben Attwood Photography: 6974 - SK19 EPF
Ben Attwood Photography: 4524 - BU53 UNE
Ben Attwood Photography: 69460 - WX59 BZO
johnmorris13: First 33936 YX66 WDZ
Lewis Smith Photography: GN09 AXD (4052)
Lewis Smith Photography: GN04 UEZ (6432)
Strathclyder: Competitors-In-Arms (200/M60) (SN04 EFX/41415)
johnmorris13: First 37331 WX57 HKM
Strathclyder: Pointing to Baillieston (SimpliCITY 2) (42948)
johnmorris13: First 39401 YN17 OHP
Lewis Smith Photography: YX17 NYF (4092)
Strathclyder: Urbans To Calderwood (SimpliCITY 6) (69098/69114)
Strathclyder: Presidents Make Glasgow (31) (33011)
johnmorris13: First 37629 WX58 JYR
johnmorris13: First 66935 WX55 UAB
johnmorris13: First 37626 WX58 JYN
Cumberland Patriot: 10512 KYV 512X
johnmorris13: CT Plus 9401 YX11 AEM
Strathclyder: The Kings' Renown (7A) (61605)
Cumberland Patriot: 14231 K131 DAO
johnmorris13: First 37627 WX58 JYO
Strathclyder: Free To Simpli-GO (SimpliCITY 60) (33346)
Cumberland Patriot: 42545 P545 PNE
Cumberland Patriot: 30335 M735 BSJ
johnmorris13: First 37330 WX57 HKL
johnmorris13: First 37329 WX57 HKK
Cumberland Patriot: 16655 R255 NBV
Cumberland Patriot: 32704 K704 PCN
Cumberland Patriot: 20731 K731 DAO