SchuminWeb: Price checker at Giant Food
SchuminWeb: Gingerbread beer at Giant Food [02]
SchuminWeb: Gingerbread beer at Giant Food [01]
SchuminWeb: Elyse with an armful of Scrub Daddy sponges
SchuminWeb: Plug missing its ground prong
SchuminWeb: Elyse looks through the Hot Wheels
SchuminWeb: Giant Food at Beltway Plaza
SchuminWeb: Cookie with a chocolate happy face
jjbers: Stop & Shop (Cromwell, Connecticut)
SchuminWeb: Fire alarm strobe at Giant Food in Gaithersburg, Maryland
SchuminWeb: Cap on a bottle of Sprite
SchuminWeb: Cap on a bottle of chocolate syrup
SchuminWeb: Cap on a milk jug
SchuminWeb: Cap on a milk carton [02]
SchuminWeb: Cap on a milk carton [01]
SchuminWeb: Avocado skin
SchuminWeb: Kiwi fruit at Giant Food
SchuminWeb: Honeycrisp apple at Giant Food
SchuminWeb: Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [02]
SchuminWeb: Granny Smith apple at Giant Food [01]
SchuminWeb: McIntosh apple at Giant Food
SchuminWeb: Opal apple at Giant Food [02]
SchuminWeb: Opal apple at Giant Food [01]
SchuminWeb: Elyse poses with Scrub Daddy [02]
SchuminWeb: Elyse poses with Scrub Daddy [01]
24/7 Community: (Now Former) Stop & Shop - East Hartford, Connecticut
24/7 Community: (Now Former) Stop & Shop - East Hartford, Connecticut
24/7 Community: (Now Former) Stop & Shop - East Hartford, Connecticut
24/7 Community: (Now Former) Stop & Shop - East Hartford, Connecticut
24/7 Community: (Now Former) Stop & Shop - East Hartford, Connecticut