cybertect: 90 Long Acre
cybertect: 90 Long Acre
cybertect: 90 Long Acre
cybertect: 1 & 2 Broadgate
cybertect: 1 & 2 Broadgate
cybertect: 1 & 2 Broadgate
Paul Burnham: Outside Haringey Civic Centre, 2004
cybertect: Ashenden House
Paul Burnham: Alma Road Estate, Ponders End, Enfield, North London, in purple, blue, green and yellow
cybertect: City Place House Demolition
cybertect: 21 Moorfields
Paul Burnham: Haringey Labour Momentum members distributing community newspapers reporting demolition talks at Northumberland Park, North Tottenham
Paul Burnham: Residents meeting against demolition, Northumberlnd Park, London
Paul Burnham: City Hall 10th July 2014
Paul Burnham: Council housing blocks set for demolition at Alma Road, Ponders End (London Borough of Enfield)
Paul Burnham: Tottenham Town Hall, London, 26 March 2015: Leafleting architects, developers and privatisers, who were about to be taken on a tour of the target development areas.
jubalharshaw: Reconstruction
Paul Burnham: Sarf London housing demo comes to Whitehall, 30/01/16
cybertect: F05H WAS HERE
Paul Burnham: Challenging the GLA's Draft London Plan
Paul Burnham: Fred Wigg and John Walsh towers, Leytonstone - Saved from demolition!
Paul Burnham: GLA's Freedom of Information reply on tenure of 'Building Council Homes for Londoners'
sarflondondunc: Wychwood House - Demolition
Paul Burnham: Jeremy Corbyn at Love Lane in North Tottenham, the Twice-Promised Land
Paul Burnham: Cheerio and goodbye to the paying tenants who happen to reach retirement age
Paul Burnham: Marian Bowley's Housing and the State (published in 1945)
Paul Burnham: Matt Western MP's letter in the London Evening Standard 15 03 2019. At last, a Parliamentary Campaign for Council Housing.
Paul Burnham: by Jason Williams
Paul Burnham: Broadwater Farm lobby - demanding a resident ballot on Demolition
Paul Burnham: The ribbon of redevelopment: Broadwater Farm and Mayor's Rent