groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Liège, Wallonie, église St.-Jacques, stalls, misericord
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 7
jpotto: Yoga or up in arms?
jpotto: Another Green Man
jpotto: Green Man
jpotto: Angel, priest or chorister?
jpotto: Creature with its tongue out
jpotto: Turbaned head misericord
jpotto: Bearded face misericord
jpotto: Sea creature misericord
jpotto: A Coat of Arms of the Cobham family
jpotto: A Bishop
jpotto: A lady
jpotto: A Moor
Jules & Jenny: Tewkesbury Abbey - misericord
Jules & Jenny: Tewkesbury Abbey - misericord
Jules & Jenny: Tewkesbury Abbey, misericord
Jules & Jenny: Tewkesbury Abbey - misericord
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 8, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 8, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 8, detail
groenling: Newark, Notts., St. Mary Magdalene, chancel, stalls, south side # 8