poppythomson.uk: Someone unusual!
ricko: While Skimming Leaves off My Friend Bob's Swimming Pool I Somehow Got Tangled Up in the Skimmer
Outdoorsy One: Negotiations With The Stump Creatures
Paul B0udreau: Stoopid...Stoopid... Stoopid...
schauml: Knife balancing for the Darwin Award
robjvale: A stupid song (043/366)
ricko: Now How Dumb is That ?
ricko: Documentation of My First Attempt at Swallowing a Raccoon
ricko: I Was About Halfway Through My Afternoon Walk When I Realized I Only Had Socks and Shoes on One Foot
Jake Stockwell: Fascinating Colander
Surfchild.: 10/100. colander competition
bcud14: Oublier ses clefs
Studio d'Xavier: The Man Who Wouldn't Come In Out of the Rain
ruthlesscrab: Darwin Awards Finalist
Studio d'Xavier: The Car Named Mustard
amy's antics: Well I guess it will have to be yet another shot of me looking stupid...........
Studio d'Xavier: NASA Lies!
Mount Fuji Man: Another harebrained saddle warrior
Mount Fuji Man: Our consumption of plastics is...
Studio d'Xavier: .357 Magnum
Studio d'Xavier: Just About the Dumbest Bookmark I Ever Used
Studio d'Xavier: Dumb Decisions with Distressted Damsels from the Angola Facility for Women Outtake
Studio d'Xavier: Stupid Mutherfuckers
Studio d'Xavier: The Perils of Listening to Presidents rather than Doctors
ricko: Portrait of a Hiker Who Constantly Bumped Into Trees Because He Insisted on Wearing a Lamp Shade on His Head
ricko: The Day I Stupidly Drank a Whole Bottle of Barbecue Sauce Which I Mistook for a Bottle of Pepsi-Cola
ricko: How Stupid Was I to Think That That Little Gun Was a Toy
ricko: The Day I Went Blind After Foolishly Staring at the Sun for Ten Minutes Straight
ricko: How Could I Be So Stupid to Think That I Could Walk Around My Basement with a Bucket on My Head and Not Eventually Run into a Wall