IanAWood: PBWA Fulham
sonobugiardo: libro - book - livre - buch - avventure di una monaca vestita da uomo - thomas de quincey
sonobugiardo: libro - book - livre - buch - il romanzo di un maestro - 1-miserie e amori - edmondo de amicis
sonobugiardo: libro - book - livre - buch - le confessioni di un italiano - ippolito nievo
World of Izon: Cake Expectations!
sonobugiardo: The Adventure of Cipollino by Gianni Rodari. Soviet book cover, 1956
sonobugiardo: Spring. Illustration by Syuzanna Bylkovskaya (Funny Pictures, 1960s)
sonobugiardo: Sleeping Apple - childrens poems from German authors. Illustrated by I. Kabakov (1968)
byronv2: Browsing the Street Market 023
vagrantpunk: The Picturegoers
peace-on-earth.org: Shabandar Cafe Bookstore, Baghdad
peace-on-earth.org: Shabandar Cafe Bookstore, Baghdad
IanAWood: PBWA West London
IanAWood: PBWA West London
Lorne Bair: Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass. Author's Edition, with Portraits from Life [Presentation Copy to Henry King] #3
Lorne Bair: Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass. Author's Edition, with Portraits from Life [Presentation Copy to Henry King]
Lorne Bair: W.C. Handy - Father of the Blues: An Autobiography
Lorne Bair: Narrative of Sojourner Truth - Interior
Lorne Bair: Narrative of Sojourner Truth
byronv2: World Book Day Bookseller Selfie
IanAWood: PBWA Central London
John's Photo Philosophy: Déjà vu Books
John's Photo Philosophy: Hobart Book Shop (Film)
loïcpousin: Librairie Centre International de la Mer
byronv2: World Book Day Bookseller Selfie
ciudad imaginaria: Librería La Fábrica
Ayman Haykal: Knowledge
Lorne Bair: The Housewife's Handbook on Selective Promiscuity
Lorne Bair: Hazel in Disbelief
Lorne Bair: Bewitched