Andrea Fagarazzi: Water jet
L’Arsène: Truly the last visit to Venice (Jan. 2018)
L’Arsène: Truly the last visit to Venice (Jan. 2018)
L’Arsène: Truly the last visit to Venice (Jan. 2018)
L’Arsène: Truly the last visit to Venice (Jan. 2018)
L’Arsène: Truly the last visit to Venice (Jan. 2018)
uselessbay: Keep Off The Dunes (BW)
Andrea Fagarazzi: Calle della Madonna
Andrea Fagarazzi: C'est presque le soir
Andrea Fagarazzi: The glorious lion of Venice
Andrea Fagarazzi: Who's down there? Porta Della Carta - Venezia di notte a Venezia 1 di notte a Venezia
uselessbay: Sandy Neck Beach
uselessbay: Garlic Testament BW
Nicola9702812: Venezia 24Febbraio2019
Nicola9702812: Venezia 24Febbraio2019
|γ|S| GammaSintesi: Ponte Briati
uselessbay: Color Fun Run
Andrea Fagarazzi: Jeunes époux à Venise
Andrea Fagarazzi: Venice, at sunset
Andrea Fagarazzi: Childhood games
Andrea Fagarazzi: That's all folks!
Andrea Fagarazzi: Vouloir voler
Andrea Fagarazzi: Sister & brother