watsonjerry10: Male Spider Showing Enlarged Pedipalps and Guarding His Web.
watsonjerry10: ......Said the Spider to the Fly. - Parasteadoda tepidariorum
watsonjerry10: Wolf Spider - Lycosidae.
watsonjerry10: Recluse Spider - Genus Loxosceles
watsonjerry10: Venusta Orchard Weaver -
Tstudioz: Golden Silk orb-weaver
dr.poecilotheria: Poecilotheria ornata
dr.poecilotheria: Salticidae
dr.poecilotheria: P.metallica
dr.poecilotheria: Poecilotheria ornata
dr.poecilotheria: P.cambridgei
dr.poecilotheria: P.striata
dr.poecilotheria: P.cambridgei
dr.poecilotheria: P.cambridgei
dr.poecilotheria: P.striata