gailhampshire: Rhingia campestris on Celandine
gailhampshire: Alder Fly - Sialis lutaria agg
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Hi's Just Little Old Me Again." (Platycryptus undatus)
+_Jan_+: slow worm
gailhampshire: Sloe Bugs mating
gailhampshire: Holly Blue male
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
gailhampshire: Helophilus pendulus female
gailhampshire: Nomada goodeniana
Pam P Photos: Nettle Weevil (Phyllobius pomaceus)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
Just Agnes: Maatwerk
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: Peony Bud Attended by Ants Collecting the Sweet Sap. (Spring Garden Series)
gailhampshire: Golden-ringed Dragonfly Cordelugaster boltonii
gailhampshire: Silver Cloud (Egira conspicillaris)
gailhampshire: Silver Cloud (Egira conspicillaris)
gailhampshire: Calopteryx virg0
gailhampshire: Purple Thorn
gailhampshire: Brimstone
Johann de Jager (More off than on): Weevil enjoying the heart of a rose
Simon W. Photography: Summer Snowflake (Snowdrop) 1
Simon W. Photography: Summer Snowflake (Snowdrop) 2
gailhampshire: Keeled Skimmer female (Orthetrum coerulescens)
gailhampshire: (Extra)Longwinged form Cone-head. Conocephalus fusca female
gailhampshire: Nomada species
gailhampshire: Anthophora plumipes female
gailhampshire: First Orange Tip this year. male