carsonmaryc: Carrowmenagh Magic. March 2023
carsonmaryc: Lichen. Carrowmenagh. Donegal. March 2023
dave sweeney uk: Ford Escort Mk 1 1300GT
dave sweeney uk: Ambleside Waterfall
Gate Gustafson: Elsewhere... [after the boys of summer have gone]
Gate Gustafson: The typewriter's ball
Gate Gustafson: Good men [do not go gentle into that good night]
Laura&Irene: Laura (1)
Laura&Irene: Irene Halloween Make Up (1)
Laura&Irene: Autumn Shades Irene (9)
dave sweeney uk: Lake Kawaguchiko_Sunset.2
dave sweeney uk: Lake Kawaguchiko and Mt Fuji
dave sweeney uk: Mt Fuji . .Lake Kawaguchiko
Gray Moon Gallery: Conformity by Jan Theuninck, 2017
dave sweeney uk: Dovestones_
Gray Moon Gallery: levitated egg by Jan Theuninck, 2017
Laura&Irene: Autumn Shades Laura (2)
Laura&Irene: Autumn Shades Irene (1)
Laura&Irene: Autumn Shades Laura (1)
Gray Moon Gallery: les zéros positifs / the positive zeroes - by Jan Theuninck, 2011
Laura&Irene: Irene (3)
Laura&Irene: Irene (5)
Laura&Irene: Irene (4)