gailhampshire: Peacock
gailhampshire: Sloe Bugs mating
gailhampshire: Speckled Wood
gailhampshire: Holly Blue male
ben_king3: Nomada bee
Nick Ransdale: IMG_4996. Andrena flavipes (Andrenidae) f
Nick Ransdale: IMG_5010. Andrena thoracica (Andrenidae) f
Nick Ransdale: IMG_5001. Andrena thoracica (Andrenidae) f
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
creaturesnapper: Crane-fly -- to be identified
creaturesnapper: Root-maggot Fly --- Anthomyia sp
creaturesnapper: Sawfly --- Aglaostigma sp, probably A aucupariae
Sylvester K: Mallota fuciformis (Syrphidae)
Terathopius: 71.013 Pebble Prominent (Notodonta ziczac), Burntisland, Fife
Terathopius: 73.131 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea), Burntisland, Fife
Ste Fan54: coccinelle
DaveSPN: Happy FriYay - HFDF
romangaidier: Trashline orbweaver spider, possibly Cyclosa insulana
romangaidier: Trashline orbweaver spider, possibly Cyclosa insulana
romangaidier: Trashline orbweaver spider, possibly Cyclosa insulana
giselasfotos: Gisela_Nagel-Fl-8176-Hornissenschwebfliege
saracenovero: Eurithia anthophila (2)
saracenovero: Eriothrix rufomaculatus (6)
gailhampshire: Helophilus pendulus female
gailhampshire: Rhingia campestris
Martin1446: Liten Fläckmätare / Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata) female
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
Orland Park Birdie Girl: "Say Hello to My Little Friend." (Platycryptus undatus, male.)
romangaidier: She-Oak moth caterpillar (Pernattia pusilla)
creaturesnapper: Myathropa florea