ollphotog: A walk by the sea
Nobby knipst: Winterliche Schutzhütte - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Sommerliche Schattenplätze - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Segelboote - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Eulenburg - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Engel mit Rose - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Aaseeblick Richtung Stadt - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Gashäuschen Werbung sw - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Pinguins Schattenplätzchen - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Löfflergehege in Rheine - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Waiting for the RE2 to Düsseldorf - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Rast am Brunnen - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Ente - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Komm in meine Arme - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Dark flowers - I shot film
ollphotog: My new pickup truck
ollphotog: Saltburn
ollphotog: Grumpy commuter
ollphotog: Fairy Gannet
Nobby knipst: Sonnenblume - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Wegweiser - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Herbstlicher Spaziergang - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Kunst mit Krähen - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Putzmann gesucht/ Cleaner wanted - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Parkscheinautomat - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Elefantenbrunnen - I shot film
Nobby knipst: KuhPferd - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Fast Südseefeeling... - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Dünendurchgang - I shot film
Nobby knipst: Ich warte schon länger - I shot film