Tinuzeller: Expo Milano 2015
Tinuzeller: Expo Milano 2015
Giancarlo Bruss: MIND Milano Innovation District apre le porte alle idee di chi guarda al futuro
Giancarlo Bruss: MIND Milano Innovation District apre le porte alle idee di chi guarda al futuro - Palazzo Italia
Giancarlo Bruss: Albero della Vita
Tinuzeller: Fahrausweis und Platzreservation Schweiz - Italien
JH Photos!: Crossroads
JH Photos!: Black LIght
JH Photos!: Tilted Tiles
JH Photos!: Blacked Structures
JH Photos!: Teeth
JH Photos!: black gaps
JH Photos!: creeping black
D. Pacheu Bresson: French Touch - French Pavilion - Universal Exhibition - Milan - Italy
D. Pacheu Bresson: The Sphere - Azerbaijan Pavillion - Milan - Universal Expo 2015
D. Pacheu Bresson: Coca Cola Paviion - Milano Expo 2015
D. Pacheu Bresson: Under the Moroccan Sun - Moroccan Pavilion - Universal Exhibition - Milan - Italy
D. Pacheu Bresson: Italian Blue & White - Universal Exhibition - Milan - Italy
D. Pacheu Bresson: Chinese Carnations - Universal Exhibition - Milan - Italy
Giancarlo Bruss: Coffee Cluster
Giancarlo Bruss: Semi, Pavilion Zero
ExpoMuseum: Aquae Booklet
ExpoMuseum: IMG_0043
ExpoMuseum: La Freccia Magazine
ExpoMuseum: Beer Bottle
ExpoMuseum: Water Bottle
ExpoMuseum: Expo 2015 White Pen