if...?: Les Tres Ximeneies
fengtoutou: Kingston Point Rail Trail
fengtoutou: Kingston Point Rail Trail
fengtoutou: Croton Gorge Park
fengtoutou: Croton Gorge Park
fengtoutou: Fire Island Lighthouse
fengtoutou: DSC_0776
fengtoutou: Sleep Hollow Lighthouse
fengtoutou: Sleep Hollow Lighthouse
fengtoutou: Helmshore Mills Textile Muesum
fengtoutou: The Museum of Science and Industry
fengtoutou: TWA Hotel
fengtoutou: TWA Hotel
fengtoutou: TWA Hotel
Dorsett Studios: Tow boat moving down the Mon. past the Pump house
fengtoutou: Fort Point Channel Historic District
fengtoutou: Veolia Energy
Dorsett Studios: Edger Thomson Plant, Braddock, PA.
Dorsett Studios: Carrie furnace viewed from across the Monongahela river.
Dorsett Studios: Carrie blast furnace number 6 and 7
LubosK: cold minute´s breath
vale0065: Main belt
vale0065: 1200 Rpm
vale0065: This is the way