JayEssEmm: DSC_4398housecentipede1
JayEssEmm: DSC_4346mosquito11x1jsm
CrazyBugLady: Dark-edged Bee-fly
carla4646: I’ve seen it all now!
ManxieB- sorry, struggling!: Osteospermum and Brown Hairy Beetle in my Garden
ManxieB- sorry, struggling!: Pretty sure this is a Volucella pellucens
ManxieB- sorry, struggling!: A Wolf Spider With Egg Sac
ManxieB- sorry, struggling!: A rose with a friend
justbenaive: Strange flying insect
carla4646: Looking good little stink bug!
carla4646: Tiny but fascinating!
JayEssEmm: DSC_3157novflightlessmoth1jsm
carla4646: Jumping for joy over this find!
JayEssEmm: DSC_3151novemberdragonfly1
carla4646: This guy wasn’t really digging the photo shoot!
carla4646: Shy little jumper!
carla4646: Shy little jumper!
justbenaive: Praying mantis on my car!
JayEssEmm: DSC_2961spiderheaven2jsm
Bernard Spragg: Attacus atlas, the Atlas moth,
JayEssEmm: DSC_2935theheadoftheflyingdragon1jsm
carla4646: Wears a different look every time!
carla4646: If she’s here much longer, I may start charging rent!
carla4646: Even more beautiful at night!
carla4646: A day out with the Joros!
carla4646: Mini-Me Orb Weaver!
carla4646: Sweet couple!
carla4646: Itsy-Bitsy Master of Disguise!
JayEssEmm: DSC_2481spider1jsm