soho42: pillow factory
soho42: old textile factory
nugyfoto: the old pumping station for the mine
soho42: powerplant
soho42: power plant
LopazV: Locomotives
LopazV: Dead life
LopazV: Playing with light
LopazV: Blades
soho42: abandoned hotel
LopazV: Playing with light
LopazV: Playing with light
soho42: cooling tower
wrong.dome: kostihoj
soho42: abandoned mine
LopazV: Decayed laboratory
LopazV: Engine room
LopazV: Control panel
LopazV: Machine
LopazV: Lost mining cart
LopazV: Decayed
LopazV: Turbine
LopazV: Documents
soho42: rotten lab
soho42: turbine
LopazV: Abandoned mine
LopazV: Laboratory
LopazV: Laboratory
LopazV: Safe