martian cat: "October is Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) month & please become BCA!"
Pere Castaño: Zzzzz...
Pere Castaño: Gat a la terrassa de casa...
Xena*best friend*: Antonio Banderas ♣
Xena*best friend*: Brad Pitt & The Old Plough ♥
lesleyhergovits: When we were young ...
Xena*best friend*: Just Taking It Easy ♠
martian cat: "Marin understands that November is Diabetes Awareness Month."
martian cat: Marin says, "Summertime ends too soon!"
martian cat: "The idea of calm exists in a sitting cat."
Lynn English: Bob Ross on the Table Posing
lindahuicn: DSC06580_1
antonè: Solo tu..
martian cat: "Happy Birthday Marin! She's 3 years old!"
Warren Gates: KitKat my sweet upstairs cat
Warren Gates: "The smallest feline is a masterpiece" (Leonardo DiVinci)
NB 2009: april 2018 213
martian cat: "Marin's smile helps me each and every day!"
edgarandron - Busy!: Gracie 6 November 2018 1428Ri 4x6
Lynn English: Bob & the Sun
NB 2009: C'était bon, mais on en reprendrait volontiers...
martian cat: Marin says, "Mama, the sunshine feels so nice and warm. And, you think that pink is my best color, too!"
martian cat: "I enjoy watching Marin (my kitty cat) who enjoys watching outside. And, she smiles when it’s snowing."
martian cat: Marin is celebrating St. Patrick's Day with style and her friends are visiting.
TAZ BRADLEY: Percy J - 9th Oct 2018