wayman2011: Walking by.
ArtfulAl.: I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud
ingemar_akerlind: Seaside idyll
Man_of Steel: “The Soprano at the Mourning Easter Wake of 1968” relief carved varnished walnut By-Daniel Pressley
Mike-Lee: Take a break!
Martin Tidbury: River Ness & Caledonian Canal
Man_of Steel: #44- The Coolest U.S. PRESIDENT-ever!
hugh.c.mcbride: greens and reds
hugh.c.mcbride: succulent
hugh.c.mcbride: green and blue
Martin Tidbury: Pitlochry Dam Power Station
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
jpkissel46: A wheel in the sky
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
Daniel Tardif: 🌎 Day
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
emmedigi: Latteria igienica
emmedigi: Intimo Merceria
Martin Tidbury: River Ness and Greig Street Bridge
hugh.c.mcbride: wildflowers
emmedigi: Decathlon
ingemar_akerlind: Where are we going?
ingemar_akerlind: Gardening work in the cemetery
ingemar_akerlind: Hard gardening in April
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.
wayman2011: Bishop Auckland Food Festival.