Carl took some pictures: A Good Way to Start the Day
Carl took some pictures: A Rainbow Sherbert Sunrise
Carl took some pictures: Horses Don't Care about Sunsets
Carl took some pictures: Big Sky on Sunday
Carl took some pictures: Presque Isle-Ground Level Sunset
Carl took some pictures: Seats left for the cloud show
Carl took some pictures: Sky has all the colors today 2
Gate Gustafson: Good men [do not go gentle into that good night]
M-More: Magical cloud
M-More: Sunset Glow
M-More: 日薄西山 | Sunset
Gate Gustafson: [You live] In a different world
Amilcare Berti: IMG_1623
Amilcare Berti: Tancau beach
Gate Gustafson: Parsley, sage, rosemary & thyme
Gate Gustafson: The age of enlightenment
Gate Gustafson: The lost language of cranes
Gate Gustafson: The call from faraway places
Gate Gustafson: Of worlds lost & friends forgotten
deerpix: Teddy Bear in the sky.
Keith Selmes: lillisandIBM.
Keith Selmes: CP avatars
timo.gufler: Proxima Centauri
timo.gufler: Sailboat Prototype
timo.gufler: De Zeeuwse kust I