Bobbex: Roundhead "Pot" Helmet, Oliver Cromwell's House, Ely, June 1996 (8)
Bobbex: Oliver Cromwell's House, Ely, June 1996 (4)
Bobbex: Oliver Cromwell's House, Ely, June 1996
SJDutson: March 16 Boscobel House
SJDutson: March 16 Boscobel House, The Royal oak
SJDutson: March 16 Battle of Edgehill 1642, monument
SJDutson: Jan 15 Battle of Wigan Lane 1651 River Douglas
SJDutson: Jan 15 Battle of Wigan Lane 1651 Monument
SJDutson: July 13 Naseby Battlefield
SJDutson: July 13 Naseby Battlefield
Man Of Green: Battle of Naseby 1645 (English Civil War)
Man Of Green: Oliver Cromwell Statue Houses of Parliament