brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig Burrows.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Where the rope artist sat.
brian.batters (B-C-B): The tide brings in.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig burrows.
brian.batters (B-C-B): The Tide brings in.
brian.batters (B-C-B): The Tide brings in.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): The tide brings in.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Wreck of the Amazon.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig River.
brian.batters (B-C-B): Kenfig Burrows.
brian.batters (B-C-B): The tide brings in.
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Keeper of the Dunes
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Keeper of the Dunes
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Taking a drink
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Rook heading for a drink
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Whitethroat (Sylvia communis)
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Female Whitethroat
Tyrone (Ty) Williams: Juvenile Stonechat