Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Templo de Adriano, na Piazza di Pietra (Praça de pedra), em Roma, Itália - Series with the Temple of Hadrian, at Piazza of Stone (Piazza di Pietra), in Rome, Italy - 14-10-2010 -
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com os Ipês-brancos da Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília - DF, Brasil.
frankcrist78: DSC_7235_(vv0.1c-b)
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 20-08-2017 – IMG_7065_2
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Ipê-amarelo em Brasília, Brasil - Series with the Trumpet tree, Golden Trumpet Tree, Pau D'arco or Tabebuia in Brasília, Brazil - 20-08-2017 – IMG_7153
Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série sobre Roma, Itália - Series about Rome, Italy - 12-10-2010 - IMG_0883
frankcrist78: DSC_6094_(vv0.1c)
Gate Gustafson: The typewriter's ball
paolo_b_00: A view of Linz 2/3
paolo_b_00: A view of Linz 1/3
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frankcrist78: DSC_6930
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frankcrist78: DSC_2343
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frankcrist78: DSC_2072_(vv0.1)
frankcrist78: DSC_6016
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Gate Gustafson: The lost language of cranes
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frankcrist78: DSC_8295_(vv0.1)