ilarius: Gufo comune - Long-eared Owl - Hibou moyen-duc - Waldohreule - Ransuil - Buho chico - Hornuggla - ( Asio otus ).
Lichon photography: Where's Waldo
Lichon photography: In the mirror
Lichon photography: Guess who's back
Beata Rydén: My cosmic garden
Beata Rydén: Hi there
Саня Надеев: pentaxsmcfa50mmf14
buch.daniele: La statue de la liberté ensevelie dans le sable : le restant de notre vie sans soleil
buch.daniele: Série de 4 photos fantaises : Dany peintre photoshop
oprisco: ***
Gate Gustafson: Elsewhere... [after the boys of summer have gone]
Gate Gustafson: The typewriter's ball
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 мм Softfocus
Beata Rydén: Drifter
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 Softfocus
Gate Gustafson: Good men [do not go gentle into that good night]
Саня Надеев: Canon 135 SoftFocus
oprisco: ***
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 mm f / 2.8 Soft Focus
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 mm f / 2.8 SoftFocus
Gate Gustafson: La tentative de l'impossible
Саня Надеев: Canon 135 Soft Focus
Саня Надеев: Canon EF 135 mm f / 2.8 Soft Focus
Саня Надеев: Lens Canon EF 135 mm f / 2.8 SoftFocus, photo without SOFT - EFFECT ...
esteban_mhz: "Emperador del Mar" (Sea Emperor)
Саня Надеев: Canon 135 mm SoftFocus
oprisco: ***
Саня Надеев: Canon 135 SoftFocu