Alan Mays: Thanksgiving for Good Citizenship
Chris Devers: Burgerdive’s Burgermobile
rabidscottsman: Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
micky the pixel: Burger Gum You Can Use Red, Green and Blue To Color The Chief's War Bonnet
Namey McNamerson: Mr. Dan's 5
Namey McNamerson: I Rescued A Little Hot-Dog
Namey McNamerson: Delicious Fried Chicken
rabidscottsman: Phantom Pisser
micky the pixel: Die fidele Kommode / Seite 163
Wires In The Walls: That Is One Suspicious Bird!!
rabidscottsman: Unknown Moniker 2/21
micky the pixel: Berthold Jahn / Till Eulenspiegel / Bild 09
Alan Mays: A Link in the Happiest Chain of Memory
Ra_roar: Illustrated recipe of Oyster Rice. #hecookshedraws
micky the pixel: Schinkenhäger
bortQ.: Behold! The Garden Of Bacon!
Ra_roar: Home-cooked dinner
Huge Cool: Meat Illustration
Huge Cool: Burger Illustration
micky the pixel: Ringiers farbige Kinderbücher #16 / splash panel
micky the pixel: Simpsons Mania! / Sammelkarte #63 / Packy Wack card
micky the pixel: The Jetsons #9
micky the pixel: Wilhelm Hey / Hundert Fabeln für Kinder / Schinken und Bratwurst
micky the pixel: Comic Album #15
micky the pixel: Tiny Tot Comics #7 / splash panel
micky the pixel: Famous Funnies #172
micky the pixel: Daffy #5
rabidscottsman: Uncle Pizza