ph.claudio.barbafiera: WOMAN TOBACCO
B__E__G: Un'altra giornata in ufficio
B__E__G: La geometria di un momento
B__E__G: Bologna la rossa
Michele Grazia: It was on the wrong sky
B__E__G: Le nostre paure
Michele Grazia: The naughty nightmare
B__E__G: Sguardo dal passato
Michele Grazia: Hidden birds
Michele Grazia: When it starts to get dark
Michele Grazia: Late October, down by the river at evening
Michele Grazia: Wind and wuthering I
B__E__G: Ponteggi e Pontefice
Michele Grazia: A pious bearded fellow inside a rose niche
B__E__G: E' la sera dei miracoli, fai attenzione..
B__E__G: No pasarán ?
Michele Grazia: His last cry of that day at three o'clock
B__E__G: A ruota libera
B__E__G: I guardoni
B__E__G: Passeggiando con la Luna
Michele Grazia: The pink convoy
Michele Grazia: Do you need me like you need the air she breathes?
B__E__G: Bologna slegata
B__E__G: Genus Bononiae
Michele Grazia: Angel wings
Michele Grazia: Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands
Michele Grazia: Many bricks to the sky
Michele Grazia: Summertime
Michele Grazia: I want to ride my bicycle, races are coming your way