Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0635-Anthophora plumipes
NakaRB: Pristiphora sp.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 22 A tiny wasp circa 1mm, likely Telenomus sp. descending the filament of a Green Lacewing egg. Note how the filaments affect the leaf. Scelionidae Hymenoptera. Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 20 A tiny female wasp circa 1mm, likely Teleomus sp. inserting its egg into that of a Green Lacewing. Scelionidae Hymenoptera. Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Henry Aldridge: 20240416 - 18 A tiny wasp circa 1mm, likely Telenomus sp. climbing filament of Green Lacewing egg. Scelionidae Hymenoptera, Chrysopidae Neuroptera. Ku-ring-gai Australia.
Farang foto: A White combed-sweat bee
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0634-Anthophora plumipes
nmangold2: Ichneumon xanthorius, fem. (Ichneumonidae)
Farang foto: Bee careful!
AndyorDij: Bombus pascuorum ... Common Carder Bumblebee
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0572-Nomada lathburiana
AndyorDij: Anthophora plumipes ... Hairy-footed Flower Bee
AndyorDij: Anthophora plumipes ... Hairy-footed Flower Bee
Farang foto: A Delta Conoideum Potter wasp
natur-heimat: Andrena flavipes
natur-heimat: Andrena flavipes
natur-heimat: Andrena flavipes
AndyorDij: Andrena fulva ... Tawny Mining Bee
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0569-Nomada goodeniana
NakaRB: 113413
NakaRB: 113404
AndyorDij: Andrena fulva ... Tawny Mining Bee
AndyorDij: Andrena fulva ... Tawny Mining Bee
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-18-2101-Gasteruption assectator
Hubi's nature: Bumble Bee, undetermined
Farang foto: A Large Black Carpenter bee (Xylocopa sp.)
AndyorDij: Andrena scotica ... Chocolate Mining Bee
AndyorDij: Andrena scotica ... Chocolate Mining Bee
André Labetaa: Fourmis barbaresques (Messor barbarus), soldats et ouvrières - Hyménoptère Formicidae
AndyorDij: Bombus pratorum ... Early Bumblebee