Lancè: New growth
photos_nalapa: Adelfa amarilla ( Cascabela thevetia )
Wales and beyond: Nature shadows
photos_nalapa: Hibiscus Rojo
photos_nalapa: Hiedra , planta trepadora
vincepdx: rose leaves
awfulsteelmelon: Icy abstraction
mamietherese1: Au-dessus de la rivière
mamietherese1: Brun - Brown - Braun
sotirismarinopoulos061: IMG20240206165536
mamietherese1: Un reste de l'automne
Enchanted Loom: Bosco 213
vincepdx: vanished
vincepdx: Random Beauty
photos_nalapa: Heliconia ( Heliconia psittacorum )
vincepdx: Light on the leaf
_macius_: Fulles
delecroix.richard: XE3-38060 copiex
_macius_: Fulles
vincepdx: sunlight filtered through the leaves of the trees.
_macius_: Fulles
Lancè: Cool with no regrets
Owl Prints: Cyclamen hederifolium
_macius_: Fulles de platanus
vincepdx: sideway nandina
_macius_: Fulles