peterschmidt2711: Phengaris alcon
₡ґǘșϯγ Ɗᶏ Ⱪᶅṏⱳդ: They go up into nothing and perish
Patrick Leveque: Vol à voile.
Mlehrman1313: Runners, 1st Avenue
Xenon6669: Unknow.....
peterschmidt2711: Apatura iris
DayTripper (Tom): Beautiful street in Santa Fe NM
Xenon6669: Iris van Herpen Expo PARIS
peterschmidt2711: Fabriciana adippe Syn.: Argynnis adippe
₡ґǘșϯγ Ɗᶏ Ⱪᶅṏⱳդ: Mine eye trickleth down
peterschmidt2711: Boloria euphrosyne
₡ґǘșϯγ Ɗᶏ Ⱪᶅṏⱳդ: Shimmering heat in sunshine
Patrick Leveque: Sérieux.
peterschmidt2711: Aglais urticae
peterschmidt2711: Cyaniris semiargus
DayTripper (Tom): Rainstorm Approaching the Meadow
peterschmidt2711: Papilio machaon
giosuèbolis: Venezia - maschere al caffè Florian
Patrick Leveque: Je t'ai vu. I saw you.
₡ґǘșϯγ Ɗᶏ Ⱪᶅṏⱳդ: I am trapped and cannot get free
peterschmidt2711: Zygaena transalpina
peterschmidt2711: Araschnia levana
Mlehrman1313: 9th Avenue
peterschmidt2711: Schwalbenwurz-Enzian