sillylittlebricks: "Amateurs."
Lectrius: Videogame Legends!
Original2Bricks: Chapter XIX - In the blink of an eye
bigskytq: i need friends (read description)
nogo :): Clone Trooper
sillylittlebricks: "Are you glaring at me or that kid?"
sander_sloots: Strange creature
Darth Electra: "I took more bullets than you can even imagine"
Zenjii Oko: Bricksem EMS team...
Lectrius: |Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag| Edward Kenway.
sander_sloots: Friendly dragon
Syrdarian: 101 Bricks: Great Harvest
Darth Electra: Expecto Patronum!
sillylittlebricks: “So you say you can save my movie business?”
Syrdarian: Never Forgotten Minifigures
sander_sloots: World autism day
Syrdarian: 101 Bricks: Indescribablely Painful
Syrdarian: 101 Bricks: Hope I make a good ingredient
Lectrius: Batmen |DC Figbarf #7|
Zenjii Oko: On his way to a hungry customer!!!
sillylittlebricks: Remembering the days before kids ...
sander_sloots: Her turn
Darth Electra: "You and I'll be safe and sound"
Tomasz Bartoszek: Reflection
sander_sloots: Big spider
Syrdarian: Never Forgotten
Lectrius: Hack'n'Slash!
Syrdarian: Giant stepping on a pink planet
Darth Electra: Emma saves Regina and becomes the Dark One