goofcitygoof: Ya gotta love him
Cameron Adams: IMG_9403
meligrosa: zzzzzzz
Generik11: "You Can't Miss Me, I'm All Dressed In Black." "Me Too."
goofcitygoof: Millions Die
goofcitygoof: Modern Friendship
kimdokhac: Texting ...
Generik11: Text Next
Generik11: "I'm in the Cathedral. Where Are You?"
Generik11: Totally Wired Up
Generik11: "I'm on the Sidewalk Right Outside the Market." "So Am I."
Jym Dyer: 20161009 nopa-is-boring
meligrosa: #datingisboring #ouchnecks
meligrosa: playing with fire is boring #bbq #datingisboring • via the new yorker
meligrosa: holiday weekends are boring •
Adrienne Johnson SF: geolocation
Generik11: "Me? Just Kicking Back. You?"
Generik11: Green Hammock
Jef Poskanzer: get off your phones
meligrosa: #datingisboring Illustration: Alain Pilon • Work It: Is dating worth the effort? (newyorker)
Generik11: Texting to a Standstill
Generik11: Magic Spectacles
Generik11: Desperately Seeking Silicon Valley
Generik11: Art on the Side
BraveGirlMovie: Works while she's Sleeping
Adrienne Johnson SF: 04-13-16, 17:45:37 (nature watching)
Generik11: Sailor Text
meligrosa: breakfast is boring. #datingisboring