Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Prairie Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Singing Parula
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Nashville Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Orange-crowned Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Orange-crowned Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Yellow Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Hooded Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Hooded Warbler
Jeff'sWorldinPictures: Northern Parula
Farang foto: A male Euphaea Masoni damselfly
Roger Hickey: Prairie Warbler
tanman2: Eastern Kingbird
Peter Ireland: The Clown bird
Tom Mortenson: Clear to Land
Rob Jenkins PUSB: Kingfisher with muddy beak (assume from digging a nest in the river bank)
fidelpegu: _W4A7761-2
mayekarulhas: Bluejay
tanman2: Osprey with a whopper
crmitch61: Fulmar
jmc-223: Small Tortoiseshell
David Franks Photography: Eastern Fox Squirrel
David Franks Photography: Female dark-eyed Junco
David Franks Photography: Eastern Fox Squirrel
David Franks Photography: Male Eastern Cardinal
Ned Harris: _07A8749 Backlit Burrowing Owl
M_squared Images: Join the feast
M_squared Images: Here goes
M_squared Images: One at a time