Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Leica M4-P + Valoi Easy35
AngusInShetland: Maggie Helen LK 160 Number (IMG_0012mod)
sowhat63: Bahnhof
Baz Price: Wolverhampton Bound
Baz Price: Wet In The City
Baz Price: Black Sabbath Bridge
Nenad Suznjevic: Destiny 01
Kibuk293: Lets Roll Camera
Nenad Suznjevic: Another ground another cleanup 03
Nenad Suznjevic: Another ground another cleanup 02
pgh2980: Genvieve! ... no ... she would be much older now ...
pgh2980: vintage
sowhat63: Fresko 1472
Xícara: Buddha noir
C.D. Stewart: early-morning aloe
JonnyKristiansen1974: Ilford Ortho 80 Plus in Oslo 4 of 6
JonnyKristiansen1974: Ilford Ortho 80 Plus in Oslo 1 of 6
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Nikon FM3a + Valoi Easy35
__Daniele__: Berlin 2009 LXXXVIII
Kibuk293: Beskydy
Nenad Suznjevic: Another ground another cleanup 01
Stoodal: N201
sowhat63: Kapelle Schlatt
C.D. Stewart: winged victory 2 (when wet)
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Valoi Easy35 Scanner
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Valoi Easy35 Scanner
juancarbon: Study of a door
pgh2980: green truck 1950