The World As We Know It: Romantic intermezzo
Helmut44: Potsdam
Helmut44: Universitätsstadt Göttingen
fotomänni: Gruftengang Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt - 5
The World As We Know It: Angelic vision
The World As We Know It: Worn-out angel
Helmut44: Irland - Dublin
Helmut44: Irland - Dublin
Helmut44: Allen Fotofreunden ein frohes und gesundes Weihnachtsfest
fotomänni: Gruftengang Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt - 19
The World As We Know It: Greek goddess ignoring human concerns
fotomänni: Gruftengang Hauptfriedhof Frankfurt - 17
The World As We Know It: Posing for nobody
The World As We Know It: The dream to fly
Helmut44: Paris - Notre Dame
Helmut44: Paris - Im Louvre
The World As We Know It: Reinterpreting salvation
The World As We Know It: Gatekeeper of the unknown
The World As We Know It: Looking back is for nerds
The World As We Know It: Leda and the swan
The World As We Know It: Leda and the swan
The World As We Know It: Leda and the swan
The World As We Know It: The sweet face of death visiting the trenches
The World As We Know It: The sweet face of death visiting the trenches
Helmut44: Steinau an der Straße
uwekulick: Hinterhof-Engel