ffpiepho: Latrodectus with egg sack
wkraintz1: Black widow catching yellow jacket
Small Creatures: Black Widow before feeding... Iscorama anamorphic
Small Creatures: Crab spider and young black widow
Small Creatures: Young Black Widow, North Andover, MA
Small Creatures: "Elvira" with her new egg case.
bryan.tobias70: Arizona, western brown widow_ unfortunate Bee
bryan.tobias70: Black Widow B&W
bryan.tobias70: Black Widow 6
bryan.tobias70: Black Widow
Danielle Trigo: Black Widow Spider
Danielle Trigo: Black Widow Spider
Riley-Dobe: Red Back Spider
Alex Roukis: Northern Black Widow
ALLART1: Her Majesty
Annas Majlam: A brown widow with a light tan abdomen and distinct markings guarding its eggs - It builds its nest inside a VOLVO under an exit door bottom bracket.
Annas Majlam: Lactodectrus Geometricus
Annas Majlam: She hides herself in some place deep inside because the last thing she wants is pity.
Annas Majlam: A brown widow does messy tangle and irregular web
Annas Majlam: A very matured widow with red hourglass
siraf72: Dead Ant
The Moon & Back: Black Widow
siraf72: Brown Widow
siraf72: Brown Widow Abdomen
Waynespix: BROWN Widow belly side up iPhone 5c
Waynespix: IMG_0589 Brown Widow
Waynespix: Black Widow Nest
Waynespix: Black Widow Nest
Small Creatures: Black Widow hatchling... Iscorama anamorphic
siraf72: Brown Widow