sunolan: Today, remember 9/11.
sunolan: Ariel View, lower Manhattan, USA
sunolan: The Unisphere,Carona Park, Queens, NY, USA
RosieBartolozzi: Empire State Valhalla
kaising_fung: Mirage on water 水上蜃樓
kaising_fung: Behind a rainbow 彩虹背後
RosieBartolozzi: Aeroplane sunset
kaising_fung: Fading fast 褪色往事
kaising_fung: Missing you
kaising_fung: Electric night 電夜
kaising_fung: The way 道路
kaising_fung: Passing through the season 跨越
kaising_fung: Now I know Spring had arrive. 才覺春曉
kaising_fung: One for the road 回家前
kaising_fung: Broken mirror 碎鏡
kaising_fung: As light as water 似水般輕
kaising_fung: Today's sunset 今日夕彩
kaising_fung: Water and sky 天與水
kaising_fung: Flow with the water 付之流水
kaising_fung: Border 交界處
kaising_fung: Fenced 困
kaising_fung: Lone 孤
kaising_fung: One of these evenings 某一個黃昏
kaising_fung: Sprint tomorrow 明天再飆馳
kaising_fung: Arrive 到來
yeahwotever: Dark cloud over Manhattan