stegdino: chess_Chieri2023-07-23_12-09-01
stumppix: Seclusion
Jorge A Miguel: Chess Game / Arlington, Virginia - 08786
MoustacheKipics: Sweet chess Melody-2 Bord Bl
MoustacheKipics: Sweet chess Melody carré Bord Bl
MoustacheKipics: Guy hess game-2
MoustacheKipics: Guy hess game-4
MoustacheKipics: Guy hess game
MoustacheKipics: Guy hess game-3
MoustacheKipics: Guy hess game-5
axel-g.93: Chess time...♟️
vedebe: Echecs rapides! / Blitz chess!
grafxmangrafxman: IMG_1409
giorgiorodano46: Partita a scacchi ad alta quota
stegdino: streetAbano2022_IMG_0139
stegdino: streetAbano2022_IMG_0138
Jorge Franganillo: Chess players and a music lover
Jimmi-DK: LEGO - Chess Set
j.bodinek1: Schachspiel
stegdino: scacchi_Chieri2022_c1c52f8d75_o
TigerCurry: Often My Hand at Chess
OscarCrookshank: Triumph of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
OscarCrookshank: "At Five in the Afternoon"
TigerCurry: Another Great Game Win ♟
asandak9553: Simple Bliss
maryland_photos: 000419650034
Jonathan Woodland: Lewis chessman , National museum of Scotland , Edinburgh.