prashant21jan: Indian Peafowl
Sharon Cunio: Taking off with a splash.
Sharon Cunio: He tried his best to impress but she just swam off with the rest.
PhotoJenics by Jen Hall: Northern Masked Weaver - 3636b+
prashant21jan: Orange-headed Thrush
Sharon Cunio: Look out below.
prashant21jan: Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
Sharon Cunio: A Bald Eagle watching his back.
prashant21jan: Black-naped Monarch
Sharon Cunio: A Bald Eagle flying over the lake hoping to find a snack.
prashant21jan: Anhinga
prashant21jan: Jungle Babbler
Sharon Cunio: When a Bald Eagle flys toward you, this happens.
prashant21jan: White-bellied Blue Flycatcher
Sharon Cunio: A Bald Eagle flying high over the lake.
prashant21jan: Red Spurfowl
Alberto Guillen1: The Happy Chickadee
Alberto Guillen1: Springtime Visitor
Sharon Cunio: I wonder why they always call me Red.
prashant21jan: Black-backed Dwarf Kingfisher - Oriental
prashant21jan: Brown-cheeked Fulvetta
Sharon Cunio: A Redhead enjoying an afternoon swim.
Sharon Cunio: A perky American Wigeon.